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This comparison chart shows all the features and technical details for the whole Leica Rugby 600 & 800 series. Leica-Rugby-600-800-Comparison Format : PDF
Ezicat Cable and Service Locators ‘How To’ Videos.
How to use the Ezicat Cable and Service Locators State-of-the-art digital signal processing (DSP) and intelligent software, the EZiCAT series make service location simple and quick; increasing onsite safety and ultimately saving time and money. Here are ome very useful … Continued
Video overview of Leica Viva GNSS. Tutorials include internet speed and signal strength, connection to the NTRIP server and bluetooth antenna pairing issues.
Troubleshooting the Leica Viva GNSS. Solve Leica GPS1200 issues such as internet connectivity issues, blutooth antenna pairing and connecting to the NTRIP server.
Video tutorial on how to easily pair a Leica Viva Total Station with a Leica Viva Controller. Tutorail includes instruction on using RH16 Handle with CTR16 radio cap and RH15 handle with internal radio.
Pairing up a 1200 Total Station with a Viva Controller
Video tutorial on how to easily pair a Leica 1200 Total Station with a Leica Viva Controller. Include instructions on setting up the Total Station and setting up the controller.