Step by step guide for entering gradeswith a Leica Rugby Laser.

Entering Grades Step-by-Step
  1. Set up the Rugby on a tripod.
  2. Set up the tripod at the base of the slope with the x-axis pointing in the direction of the slope.
  3. Turn on the Rugby.
  4. Press the Grade button.
  5. Press the Up or Down button to enter grade for the x-axis (single slope).
    For Rugby 670: press the Grade button again to exit grade entry mode.
    For Rugby 680: press the Grade button to enter grade for the y-axis. Press the Grade button again to exit grade entry mode.
  6. Once grade is entered, the Rugby will begin to adjust to grade. Do not disturb the Rugby during this process.
  7. To restore previous grade, press and hold the Grade button for 1.5 seconds.

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